We would like to share important information with you about buying real estate in Turkey and the peculiarities of this process. Today, Turkey is becoming a popular destination for real estate investments, and it's not surprising considering the convenient conditions it offers to foreign investors. However, before embarking on the property search, it's important to consider several key aspects related to Turkish real estate.

  1. Property Layout: It's important to understand that Turkey has its own terminology for classifying real estate. For example, an apartment with one bedroom and a combined living room and kitchen is referred to as "1+1," which corresponds to a two-bedroom apartment. If the apartment has two bedrooms and one living room-kitchen, it's called "2+1," indicating a three-bedroom apartment. These designations can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, so it's crucial to take them into account when searching for property in Turkey.
  2. "Turnkey" Real Estate: One of the advantages of Turkish real estate is that apartments in new construction complexes are offered fully ready for occupancy. This means you don't need to carry out additional work, renovations, or buy household appliances. Apartments are often finished with high-quality materials and include some household appliances, such as a stove with an oven and an extractor hood. In some cases, kitchen furniture is also included. Bathrooms are usually fully equipped. This allows you to save time and effort when setting up your new home.
  3. Customization: When purchasing property under construction in Turkey, you can negotiate with the developer for certain changes in the finishing or design. This could include choosing wall colors, changing doors or windows, and adding extra equipment. This way, you can tailor your new home to your preferences.
  4. Residential Complexes: In Turkey, many residential complexes are fenced, guarded, and offer extensive amenities for residents. This can include pools, playgrounds, relaxation areas, as well as various facilities such as spa salons, shops, and cinemas. Most residential complexes also provide parking spaces for cars. This infrastructure ensures comfort and convenience for residents.
  5. Apartment Furnishing: In Turkey, great attention is paid to comfort. Purchasing furniture and appliances is often done with the assistance of professionals who deliver and install everything necessary. This includes not only furniture but also household appliances. Companies like Riviera Homes also provide after-sales services, including assistance with documentation and various services related to adapting to your new place of residence.
  6. Payment and Investments: It's essential to note that the most economical way to purchase real estate in Turkey is to buy it during the construction phase. The earlier you make the purchase, the more favorable the price. Developers also offer flexible payment plans, including interest-free installment options. Payment is made in Turkish Lira through a bank account opened with a Turkish bank, simplifying the process.
  7. Citizenship and Residency: Buying property in Turkey can be a step toward obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit or even citizenship. Citizenship is granted for the purchase of real estate worth at least $400,000. This benefit extends to the spouse and minor children of the buyer. Obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit is also possible and can be the first step in achieving a stable status in Turkey.

We hope that this information will help you better understand the features and benefits of purchasing real estate in Turkey. The Riviera Homes team is ready to provide you with all the necessary support and consultations to make your property purchase in Turkey as comfortable and advantageous as possible.